This introductory title in JavaScript targets one of the most popular programming languages for Web development. The title has a unique approach, using building blocks so readers have developed a complete Web site by the end of the title.
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Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Learn JavaScript
Posted by Hari Limbu at 4:36 PM 1 comments
Labels: JavaScript eBooks
How to Do Everything with JavaScript
This friendly, solutions-oriented guide is filled with step-by-step examples that illustrate how to write basic to advanced JavaScript applications, as well as modify existing scripts to suit individual needs. Each chapter begins with the specific how-to topics that will be covered. Within the chapter, each topic is accompanied by a solid, easy-to-follow walkthrough of the process.
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Posted by Hari Limbu at 4:32 PM 0 comments
Labels: JavaScript eBooks
JavaScript Cookbook
Category: Technical
Tag: Web/HTML/CSS/Ajax
On numerous online forums for JavaScript and DHTML, the majority of questions begin with "How do I...?" This new Cookbook provides the answers. After reading thousands of forum threads over the years, author and scripting pioneer Danny Goodman has compiled a list of problems that frequently vex scripters of various experience levels. He has now applied state-of-the-art ECMA and W3C DOM standards and used best practices to create this extensive collection of practical recipes that can bring your web pages to life.
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Posted by Hari Limbu at 4:15 PM 0 comments
Labels: JavaScript eBooks
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
JavaScript Examples Bible: The Essential Companion to JavaScript Bible
Author: Danny Goodman
ISBN: 978-0764548550
Pages: 552
Language: English
Publisher: Wiley
Category: Uncategorized
JavaScript Examples Bible is the example companion to the best-selling JavaScript Bible by Danny Goodman. This book is for anyone who is looking for complete examples of JavaScripts. Many of the examples reveal detailed descriptions of HTML listings that illustrate a particular object model or language feature. Even more Example sections invite you to try out an object model or language feature with the help of an interactive workbench, called The Evaluator -- a JavaScript Bible exclusive!
External Download Link1:
Posted by Hari Limbu at 3:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: JavaScript eBooks
Monday, November 10, 2008
A Simple SMS sender/receiver API
Basically an API for J2SE 1.4+ to talk to a GSM Modem connected to your machine via a COM Port. It can send and receive text SMS using a GSM Modem Bluetooth or Infra Red.This API, however, needs Java Communication API
Project Admins : sohamsengupta
Developers : 1
Development Status : 5 - Production/Stable
Intended Audience : Developers, Telecommunications Industry
License : Academic Free License (AFL)
Operating System : MinGW/MSYS (MS Windows), WinXP
Programming Language : Java
Topic : Mobile
Translations : Bengali
User Interface : Console/Terminal
Project UNIX name : asimplesmssende
Download here:External Link1
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Posted by Hari Limbu at 5:17 PM 23 comments
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Workplace Discrimination & Related Rights in Employment
(Based on author’s site
Equal opportunities workplace discrimination in sex discrimination cover sexual orientation, same-sex prejudice, adoption, paternity, maternity, parental, dependant leave, marital status, equal pay; race relations employment discrimination ethnic relations, religious discrimination, nationality, citizenship; discriminatory practices, disability discrimination.
Sex equality, race relations, disability work rights in employment discrimination laws are:-
A. It is employment discrimination contrary to nondiscrimination policy, unlawful prejudice, to treat employees e.g. working women, colored, foreign workers less favorably than others ~this is the basis of equal opportunities, nondiscrimination laws, in workplace discrimination, be it gender equality, racial equality, disability rights in employment -applying employment discrimination rights is illegal.
B. It is illegal workplace victimization to penalize one for complaining or inquiring about or doing anything in good faith in relation to employment discrimination -be it about discriminatory practices of e.g. gender prejudice or sexual orientation or ethnic relations, even if there has not been, and even if the employer retaliation is not itself employment discrimination ~causing detriment after employment ends also is employment discrimination.
Important details of employment discrimination are:-
Equal Opportunities are not minority rights, or women's rights only ~it is equally illegal employment discrimination for e.g. black or women employers to subject to racial inequality or gender discrimination or sexual harassment a white an employee -in ethnic relations it is employment discrimination whether the employer belongs to a dominant majority group or a minority group.
Lawful prejudice is possible: in employment discrimination, whether it is race relations, ethnic relations, or sex equality, employers are entitled to employment discrimination in recruitment by preferring a particular racial or ethnic or gender or sexual orientation class to ensure fair gender equality or racial equality respecting nondiscrimination policy ~non-employment of the disabled is legal employment discrimination if workers are less than 20 -or if a legal musts, e.g. safety helmet for Sigh bike messenger.
Segregation, racial or ethnic, is not unlawful employment discrimination if genuinely otherwise it would disrupt ~in gender equality it is not illegal employment discrimination but lawful discriminatory practice to provide separate one-sex facilities to avoid embarrassment -it is also legal employment discrimination if it would offend a sizable faith.
Otherwise racial segregation can make liable in employment discrimination as race discrimination -if it arises from an employment discrimination complaint, additionally, also as employment victimization.
Employment victimization if is due to, e.g., gender prejudice, an employment discrimination complaint must have preceded it - Negorajam -v- Agnew, 1994.
Workplace harassment, be it sexual, religious or belief, ethnic or racial harassment, is more than employment discrimination -it can be, additionally to employment discrimination, a criminal offence ~also if it is only employment discrimination and on its own not of criminal nature, if persisted in, in employment or after termination.
Sex harassment or racist abuse by a colleague is not workplace harassment as employment discrimination if not in course of or at place of work nor related to work -action lies in equal opportunities but not as employment discrimination.
Workplace harassment, e.g., sexual harassment, is required in employment discrimination case-law to be shown to have adversely affected one's dignity - Porcelli -v- Stratchlyde Rural District Council, 1980.
Religious or Belief Discrimination it is in equal opportunities and employment discrimination, because of one's religion or belief, to apply a condition on the assumption that a law would not be respected -e.g. an undertaking that Sigh builders would wear helmets at all times, or that a Sigh judge would wear instead of his turban the wig worn in British courts of law.
Degrading treatment (which the above would also be) in employment discrimination under the race relations legislation (racial victimization -or religious, ethnic, color, nationality, citizenship) takes into account what the complainant considers to be degrading.
Age Discrimination may also be complained of, if employee or candidate may is refused employment because of his or her age, or in employment if is less favourably treated or subjected to victimization.
Disability discrimination while it is, in employment discrimination legislation, to not provide some 30% disability work for disabled employees in a workforce of 20 or more -with appropriate work and equipment and workplace adjustments, disability discrimination is subject to employment discrimination precedent and the courts may regard an employer's failure in special interviewing arrangements not a discriminatory practice amounting to employment discrimination but failure of the disabled job applicant, even if the special arrangements need was stated on the application and details were never asked, if disabled persons fail to specify them .
Disability discrimination is legal if the workforce is less than 15 ~also if of indirect effect on disabled workers -it is employment discrimination only if it affects directly.
Disabilities do not entitle to equal rights or disability rights in disability employment discrimination unless for a year seriously disabled in ordinary daily activities -else it is not employment discrimination.
Genuine occupational qualification excuses employment discrimination -in equal opportunities employment rights it is a genuine occupational qualification is one that does not unjustly disqualify an entire class of, e.g., female workers or married women employees, or staff transsexual or of a different sexual orientation, or alien workers ~in employment discrimination such proof is on the employer in sex or race discrimination claims - Panesaar -v- Nestle 1980.
Grading of employees vulnerable to employment discrimination -e.g. of working women or black or immigrant workers, may be complained of as employment discrimination ~employer must show that were not taken into account personal factors, e.g. a working woman likely to take maternity leave or a single parent working girl, in assessing - National Vulcan Engineering -v- Wade, 1977.
Maternity leave, paternity or parental or adoption or dependant leave, in employment discrimination laws are for all -married, partner, or neither ~if it is agreed contractually, employment discrimination laws forbid employers to prefer the contractual or the statutory entitlement -in equal opportunities applicable to employment discrimination employees choose which.
Comparison must be made if one is directly subjected to employment discrimination to show that employment discrimination to have been by way of less favorable treatment of the complainant than other workers - Aziz -v- Trinity Taxis, 1998.
Less favorable treatment complained of as employment discrimination must have taken place at the workplace or must be in relation to employment, otherwise it is not employment discrimination ~in ethnic relations, e.g., employer's excluding from a house-warming party is not equal opportunities race equality breach of nondiscrimination policy -but it is employment discrimination if from a workers' office party - Walters -v- Metropolitan Police, 1997.
Equal pay if the employment discrimination has been in respect of, it is inessential for comparison to be of identical work -in employment discrimination precedent similar work suffices, e.g., a single working girl's work and a married working woman's like work - Hayward -v- Canwell Laird Shipyards, 1977.
Internal Appeal offer in employment discrimination must precede worker's dismissal, if made - James -v- Waltham Holy Cross Urban District Council, 1973.
Claims for employment discrimination or, e.g., sexual harassment or color victimization must allege so -if the worker only claims only unfair dismissal the qualifying period may bar an, e.g., race equality employment discrimination case exempt from the qualifying period requirements - British Airways Engine Overhaul -v- Francis, 1981.
Qualifying period for suing does not apply to employment discrimination and workplace harassment -no particular length of service need be shown to sue for employment discrimination ~also so in equal opportunities workplace victimization.
Time limit does apply -in employment discrimination legal proceedings must be commenced within three months of the equal opportunities breach or of when the employment discrimination, or the employment discrimination victimization, became known - Cornelius -v- University College -Swansea 1987.
Questionnaires are part of equal opportunities claims in employment discrimination whether sex discrimination, color prejudice, workplace harassment, or employment victimization ~one may serve one on the employer and use answers or non-reply in arguing employment discrimination.
Amendments may be allowed by employment tribunals to employment discrimination complaints, only if are about a matter included in the in employment discrimination particulars - Swiss Life & Health Insurance -v- Kay, 2004.
Additional claims based on same employment discrimination also so - Ashworth Hospital -v- Liebling, 1996.
Onus of proof in employment discrimination is the complainant's on a balance of probabilities ~regard to employer's reasons for the alleged employment discrimination can reverse that - Humphrey's -v- Board of Management of St. George's School, 1978.
The European Court of Justice has ruled in employment discrimination cases that there is no limit on what may be awarded for injury to feelings in claims arising from workplace discrimination.
Costs may be involved if a party, including the complainant, has been vexatious, frivolous, or “otherwise unreasonable” –normally, in the course of or in relation to the proceedings.
Laws change; these are brief guidelines.
The author has a website at:
Posted by Hari Limbu at 1:01 PM 0 comments
Labels: Workplace Discrimination n Related Rights in Employment
‘Ayo Gurkhali’: Winning in the British Courts
A Nepali lawyer recalls how he coordinated the legal movement against the mighty British government to ensure
justice for the Gurkha veterans
By Gopal Siwakoti 'Chintan'
Not too long ago, no one in Nepal or internationally could believe that the citizens of Nepal serving in the British Army, representing largely the mountain ethnic and indigenous populations, could even think of fighting for their equal rights and winning court battles in the UK. From Kathmandu to London, it was believed that the 1947 Tripartite Agreement on the Recruitment of the Gurkhas (TPA) into the British and Indian army was a bible that no one could touch upon. From 1992, many lawyers from Nepal and the UK were paid huge sums by the Gurkha Army Ex-Servicemen's Organisation (GAESO) to get justice from the British Ministry of Defense (MOD) and its Headquarters Brigade of Gurkhas (HQBG), but they had failed to produce a single piece of paper for any legal strategy and action in British courts.
It was only in 2000 that GAESO asked me to become its new legal advisor and I agreed. GAESO at that time wanted no more than a petition to be prepared and filed in a British court so that they could claim to be fighting for justice. Their problem was that they had already raised huge sums of money from the Gurkhas and spent it in travelling from Geneva to Brussels and The Hague looking for justice from international courts. It was, however, futile since the battle had to be waged in British courts first.
The first thing I did was to prepare various categories of individual Gurkha profiles of pensioners, redundants, prisoners of war and widows. We then called an international conference in Kathmandu in 2001 where I, with Mary des Chene, a PhD holder on Gurkha matters, prepared an international human rights and legal strategy paper for campaigns as well as possible legal actions in regular British as well as the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg, France, in addition to complaints at the various human rights labour rights bodies of the United Nations system. It was my view throughout that the Gurkhas could possibly never win anything unless we challenged the TPA as being against fundamental international, European and British human rights laws. We proceeded on this assumption and have now prevailed. Previous GAESO lawyers and London solicitors/barristers never attempted this approach.
I met a British public interest lawyer, Phil Shiner, at an international conference in Tokyo in August 2001 and he offered his support to find the best lawyers in the UK. We then met in London early 2002 to prepare a legal strategy. He visited Nepal and we prepared hundreds of witness statements from all the above categories of Gurkhas. We filed the first case against discrimination in pension and other benefits at the London High Court on 8 May 2002. We immediately filed another case for ex gratia compensation for Gurkha prisoners of war (POW) held by Japan in World War II. This was done on the basis of our own research. We won the first legal battle for the Gurkahs on 27 November 2002 from which over 4,000 Gurkha POWs are estimated to have benefited £10,000 each-- that is 40 million pounds in the aggregate.
Our next victory came through the pension case from the same Court on 21 February 2003 in which we lost the pension part on various mysterious and unfair grounds but won on many other fronts, thus opening the floodgates for all kinds of law suits in the future as announced by our Barrister, Cherrie Booth QC, after the judgement was delivered. These victories include: (a) declaration of the TPA as a transitional arrangement and not a valid treaty to justify discrimination against British and European human rights laws, and, (b) compelling the UK government to review existing immigration policy to accommodate married accompanied service for the Gurkhas -- for the first time in history.
On the pension part, there are various interpretations, some of it motivated by vested interests to save their face. Some say even today that Justice Sullivan urged the MOD and GAESO to resolve the differences through negotiation which we lawyers failed to do! This is not a tenable argument, since this was not the Court's judicial finding but only a wishful thinking. Interestingly, the same High Court Justice Nicolas Blake QC who gave the third victory for the Gurkhas on the right to settlement case on 30 September 2008 is the one who pleaded for GAESO in the Court of Appeal. That time, he never said that we should or could negotiate with the MOD as a 'right' rather than appeal. We appealed but lost. Some GAESO immigration lawyers still tend to believe that the lost pension case should have been taken to the House of Lords. But the same Justice Blake, the then GAESO Barrister, advised us against taking this case to the Lords, and start a fresh applications on the basis of new evidence gathered during the proceedings but not accepted by the Court of Appeal on technical/procedural grounds.
Subsequently, in 2004, we filed a new pension case but the MOD replied by declaring a complete review of Gurkhas terms and conditions of service on 11 January 2005. The result was the announcement of the Gurkha Offer to Transfer (GOTT) on 7 March 2007 for Gurkhas who retired after 1 July 1997, as well as those in service now. However, the GOTT was also discriminatory as it did not include those who retired prior to that date and was baseless and unlawful. Unfortunately, neither GAESO nor any other Gurkha organsiations challenged the GOTT within the timeframe of three months from the date of announcement. Since then, I have had massive differences with GAESO and its immigration lawyers, who were unwilling to challenge the GOTT. Some individual Gurkhas tried but failed as their lawyers had virtually lost sight of all the main clues in the discrimination challenge, including the issue of the illegality of the 1 July 1997 cut off date.
The Gurkhas now have their third victory from 30 September 2008, from Justice Blake, the former GAESO Barrister twice, both in the pension and POW cases. This judgement has declared the 1997 cut off date as illegal and unfair. Now the Home Office has to come up with a new Gurkha immigration policy by the end of December this year. They may still try to exclude some Gurkhas from this new policy, e.g. redundant and British National Overseas (BNOs) -- the stateless sons and daughters of Gurkhas born in Hong Kong prior to 1997. It may be relevant to mention here that the right to settlement for serving and post-1997 Gurkhas, including many hundreds of pre-1997 as well, had already been won before GAESO recruited a new immigration legal team so this victory is only partial as the main foundation had already been led by the previous legal team. This leaves us the challenge of either exploring the possibilities for a new pension case on human rights grounds or launch a street protest with public campaigns till the end.
Today the laws are there, the lawyers are there and the British public are behind us. I am hopeful that the Gurkhas will win sooner rather than later on all fronts, including pension. The only loss for some of us is personal and emotional.
As a lawyer, I came alone to fight for GAESO in the UK but soon I will be going back alone after bringing all of them in Britain which was never the end goal. The goal was the equal pension right back in Nepal which is still on! This is the most painful and harsh reality of it. The government of Nepal kept quiet throughout the struggle and we lost the goodwill of the Gurkhas in Nepal by not taking diplomatic action for their pension rights. It is now up to the new Nepali government to win back their hearts and minds so that they come back to Nepal to help their motherland prosper and move towards a better future.
(A London-based legal advisor and campaigner for GAESO, Chintan can be reached at
Posted by Hari Limbu at 12:17 PM 0 comments
Labels: British Gurkhas News and Facts
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Hotel & Motel Management System
Hotel & Motel Management
English 42 pages EXE 13.2 Mb
Hotel & Motel Management supplies the credible news analysis and operating resources the lodging industry needs to prosper amid constant change.
Comprehensive reporting and research offer top-of-mind and quick-hitting insights while introducing the people driving the future of the hotel community.
Strategies about marketing, finance, technology, design and product purchasing go beyond the bricks and mortar to bring readers closer to the fundamentals of operating in the lodging business.
Hotel & Motel Management appears twice a month in February, March, April, May, June, July, September, October and November; once a month in January, August and December.
Download: Click here to download
Posted by Hari Limbu at 3:06 PM 0 comments
Steve Vai - Guitar Styles & Techniques (Guitar songbook)
Steve Vai - Guitar Styles & Techniques
Pages: 92
Posted by Hari Limbu at 1:21 PM 0 comments
Announcing the HP Oracle Database Machine
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With Larry Ellison's OpenWorld 2008 announcement of the HP Oracle Exadata Storage Server and the HP Oracle Database Machine, Oracle is revolutionizing high performance data warehousing. Customers are experiencing performance boosts of 10x or more over their current Oracle data warehouses.
The HP Oracle Exadata Storage Server has smart storage software that offloads data-intensive query processing from Oracle Database 11g Servers and does the query processing closer to the data. It is at the heart of the HP Oracle Database Machine, a complete system, including software, servers, and storage, designed to run high performance multi-terabyte data warehouse.
- Learn more about Oracle Exadata Storage
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- Learn more about how customers are achieving 10x or more performance boosts to their Oracle data warehouses
Posted by Hari Limbu at 12:53 PM 0 comments
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Total Rock Guitar: A Complete Guide to Learning Rock Guitar (plus audio)
Author: Troy Stetina
Date: March 1, 2001
ISBN: 978-0793587872
Pages: 96
Language: English
Publisher: Hal Leonard Corporation
Category: Tutorial
Product Description
Total Rock Guitar is a unique and comprehensive source for learning rock guitar, designed to develop both lead and rhythm playing. This book/CD pack covers: getting a tone that rocks; open chords, power chords and barre chords; riffs, scales and licks; string bending, strumming, palm muting, harmonics and alternate picking; all rock styles; and much more. The examples in the book are in standard notation with chord grids and tablature, and the CD includes full-band backing for all 22 songs.
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Posted by Hari Limbu at 12:03 PM 0 comments
Labels: Total Rock Guitar: A Complete Guide to Learning Rock Guitar (plus audio)
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Free Tips On Making Money Online
Learn these free tips on making money onlinewith Google AdSense
Looking for free tips on making money online?
Well, one way to make money from your web site is to allow other businesses to advertise on it. And the easiest way to do that is with Google AdSense.
Google's AdSense program is a business service that allows you to make money by displaying targeted text ads on your website. The ads are paid for by Google AdWords advertisers who want to attract new customers with pay-per-click advertising.
Here's how the Google AdSense program works:
You become an AdSense "publisher" when you sign up for an AdSense account with Google. Every time one of your visitors clicks on one of the text ads displayed on your site, you earn money.
The text ads are small and unobtrusive. And because the ads are "contextual" (or related in some way to your site content), they can actually add value to your customers. Google also allows you to block certain ads or content that might compete with your own.
One warning, however. As easy as it is to make money with Google AdSense, there are potential drawbacks. If you sell products and services on your website, for example, you can end up hurting your own sales by diverting traffic AWAY from your website!
That said, there ARE ways to maximize your revenue with AdSense. Here are five proven tips on making money online with Google AdSense:
- Attract lots of targeted traffic to your site: The more people who see your ads, the more ad clicks you are likely to get. And the more your site content relates to this traffic, the more likely your visitors are to be interested in related ads.
- Target high-paying ads: Ads that promote desirable, big-ticket items (like electronics or holidays) will most likely pay more because they have higher bid prices on keywords.
- Maintain good, keyword-rich content: If you have keyword-rich content, the ads that show up will also be highly targeted, and therefore more likely to be relevant to your visitors.
- Format and position your ads for profit: Putting the ads in the correct place on your web site, and in a format that will draw the eyes of visitors will contribute to better click-through rates.
- Constantly track and test: Tracking and testing your ads allows you to find out which format and placement of ads have the highest click-through rates. This is also critical to making sure that AdSense is NOT negatively affecting your sales.
Posted by Hari Limbu at 5:10 PM 0 comments
Labels: Free Tips On Making Money Online